Thursday, 27 November 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
You might think : "How crazy is this title ! Why BWAAA ?".Do you remember the video game called Rayman ? Of course you do !
Now, think about the game which has been released in December 2006. It comes to your mind... it is "Rayman Raving Rabbids" ("Rayman contre les lapins crétins" in France)
If you are not a video game nerd, you certainly have still heard of this game when you watched TV and saw those cute rabbits escaping the All Blacks, or Rayman throwing a cow.
Well, if it doesn't mean anything to you, let me introduce them.
Rayman (a hero who has no arms and no legs) in the first game Rayman Raving Rabbids (not Rabbits) has to fight a horde of mad rabbits which want to invade his planet. Why do they want to invade his planet ? Because rabbits have always been mistreated, so they want to take revenge.
Well, Rayman was having a picnic with Globox kids and suddently, rabbits captured him and locked him up in a jail cell. Rayman must escape from jail and fight rabbits to save his world.
You must wonder what scary face they have ! Let me show you the most terrifying enemies you could know.
If you know previous Rayman games, you might think that Rayman Raving Rabbids is a platform game too. Rayman Raving Rabbids is not a platform game, it consists of completing three trials, followed by one special 'boss trial'. Completing trials earns Rayman plungers. When he accumulates enough of these, he can build a ladder up the edge of his jail cell and escape to freedom. Completing trials also earns Rayman different music and costumes.
In Score Mode, a player can repeat past trials in an attempt to improve one's score or as a multiplayer party game. The key point of this game is the fact that characters and mini-games are not serious at all. You can also play with friends on your computer or with your Wii.
Let's talk about the current release : "Rayman Raving Rabbids 2" on 25th November 2007 ("Rayman contre les lapins encore plus crétins").
This game has only been adapted in DS and Wii, but it contains many more mini-games which are more and more fun. Here is a preview of mini-games that are avalaible :
This time, they want to invade our planet. They have established their camp in a shopping mall, which is not the best place, but don't forget that they are morons !! Here goes again Rayman once again to save the Earth !
I'll point you to a couple of web sites about Rayman Raving Rabbids 1 and 2 :
the official one :
Have fun !
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
sharing is caring x)

graduation day! that's geegee from the left, me in the middle and zell on the right been cut off. camera nada lagi sayang kan ia.. pdahal ia yang mmgang mobile aku pun tkajar kajar iatah nada nampak muhaa nyaa.. hahahaha! nasib jua isuknya ia btpun gn aku atu still slamat. hahahaha! panjang umurnya anak btuah aa.. and on that day, my sugar plums, amech datang!!! hehehhehe! soo haapppyyyy x aaa.. but nada c niesh =S rndu pat dorang classmates aww.. especially the NZE's ='(
it's on the 23rd november 2008 =)

Above is my legs which shows that I'm bz pulang tuu =p

Crossing my legs and be ladies, yuep people.. im sakai =p
wasssaaaabbiiii!! =p di restorant lagi tu, nda malu.. sampai girlfriendnya maahhhhh. hahhaha!
Appppaaaddddaaa?!? hahaha!! (malay version)
wassssuuuuuuuuupp?!? lols!!! (english version)
grand theft auto game release for 2009! yeay!

Rockstar Games got pretty lucky this year, winning “ UK Developer of the Year” award in the Golden Joysticks Awards, also with Grand Theft Auto IV winning the “ARVATO Xbox 360 Game of the Year” as well as the “BBC1Xtra Soundtrack of the Year” award. Click here for the full list of winners.
Congratulations to all the Rockstar Games and Rockstar North employees, as well as all those that are involved in the making of Grand Theft Auto IV! Also, indeed, we have to thank all the gamers here for supporting our favourite video game franchise, Grand Theft Auto, and our favourite video game company, Rockstar Games!
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for 2009 release date
This one’s from Nintendo’s release schedule. It seems that Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars will be released “This Winter”, meaning early next year in 2009. No specific date has been given, but we can assume that it will most probably be released to clash with the Chinese New Year season, probably on Chinese New Year’s Eve. For your information, this limits it to the month of January. Thanks to Kotaku for the release schedule!
Congratulations to Rockstar Games and Rockstar North, and hooray for those gamers who had nominated them!
love quotes from the actual me x)
think how different it would beif you had
who changed everything
NEVER give up on someone
you can't go a day without thinking about
To be in love is like jumping off a cliff with
no intent on looking down at the bottom.
You don't care its going to HURT LIKE HELL
when u hit the bottom, all you care about is that
for just for that short period of time...
you feel like you could fly [❤ ]
i think petty relationships are just practice
&& the real thing comes along
he said 'no'
she asked 'do you like me?'
he said 'no'
she asked 'do you want me?'
he said 'no'
she walked away with tears in her eyes.
he grabs her my the arm and says
'you arent pretty, your beautiful.
i dont like you, i love you.
& i dont want you, i need you.'
after a while, you just want to be
with the person who never fails to make
you smile :)
man it's getting hot in here,
happens everytime that you are near
think we need to stop. drop. roll.
love is as much of an object as an obsession,
everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it,
those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never, never forget it
Love is like war.
easy to start, hard to end, and impossible to forget.
the hottest love has the coldest end.
love is like fire. sometimes it goes out.
too much of you is never enough ♥
the course of true love never did run smooth..
if your love was all i had in this life;
the would be enough until the end of time
never settle for less than you deserve
find the one who makes you happy and never let go.
to the world; you may be one person
but to one person; you may be the world
loving you is like breathing
how can i stop?
oh babe; you're my one and only
you make me nervous;
i guess that makes you different from all the rest.
i'm so addicted to all the things you do ♥
it all started with a kiss ... ♥
he's got every quality from A all the way to Z
it's easy to see he's the perfect boy ♥
you're on my heart just like a tattoo
it's the way you make me smile
when i don't even want to laugh
i think even if i never met you; i would still miss you.
like a song stuck in my head, you are stuck in my heart
i'm jealous of every girl who has ever kissed you
because for one moment; they held my entire world.
sometimes the only part of my life that makes sense
is the part i share with you
love comes unexpectedly
i don't have to ask for much
because with you i have everything
she said, "you're crazy"
he said, "only for you, baby"
until here lahh, next time lagi. I need to think for it a lot more and post it in.
and all of this quote's meaningful to me when im with my BOYFRIEND x)

The picture on the right are the Veronicas. They're so cool and cute. I like the way they took this picture. They look fun! i love their hair and they always together. Their sisters.. DAAA~ haha! their not lesbian, they want to look fun to people. People who call them lesbian are not good! hmph! damn those people!!
the vironicas-untouched
and the video below is my cousin,
amirah's birthday!!- =)
we all are very happy with her one year birthday party x)
she was laughing, smiling and bagang-ing to the way till the end. i hope she will be the best baby cousin, a sister to me and the youngest baby girl in the whole family! hehe =p
mwuah!!! to my cuteeee baby chubby cousin =)
Monday, 24 November 2008

haii peeps hvnt been on this for YONKS!! =]
I actually live in a house
I moved around alot when I was younger
I live far away from school
I have my own room
I share my room with someone
I have a front yard
I have a back yard
I have a swimming pool
My house is pretty big
I live in a next to my living room.
I sleep with my door open
When I sleep I sleep hard
I always have something that is sticking out the covers
All my bed sheets match
I sleep with my hair up
I wear pajamas to sleep
I like to sleep with my clothes on... WTF
I have a bed
I sometimes sleep on the floor
My cat sleeps with me in my bed
I sleep walk
I have brown Eyes
I have Blue eyes
I have green eyes
I have natural brown hair
I have natural Black hair
I have natural Red hair
I have natural Blonde hair
I am real short
I am real tall
I am average-SHUT UP =]
My foot ranges between 1- 5
My foot ranges between 6-11- EYAH multi sized shoes!!
I think I have big feet
I like my tiny feet
I have small hands
I have big hands
I am CHUBBY- =]
I am skinny
I am thick
I am fat
I am overweight-EYAH KIDDING, OK??
I think I am ugly
I think I am attractive- I AM THE PRETTIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!! =] EYAH GULLIBLE!!! =p
I think I resemble an animal
I have a weird hair color right now
I have something other than my ears pierceD
I wear all black
In my closet there is a rainbow of colors
I have a lot of bands shirts
I wear alot of pins and buttons
I wear reeboks
I wear Vans
I wear Converses
I hate baby phat- i DONT GET WAT THE ABOVE MEAN
What are you talking about I LOVE baby phat
I am not a fan of baby phat but the cat is cute
All my clothes match
Hollister and fitch = love
Hot topic is awesome!
Pac sun is fricken sweet
I shop at Target or Kmart
I love Plaid or stripes
I love fishnets
I wear a lot of bracelets- KINDA EYAH'S THING !!! =]
I have cool earrings
My cell phone matches my outfits- silver matches with stuff, rite??
I have cute little bows that I put in my hair
I have Legwarmers
Leg warmers ewww
I wear furry boots
I hate furry boots
I have a fur coat
I have a lot of high heel shoes
Stelettos pump in the club!
I wear whatever I think is cute
I wear what and how I feel
None of this describes what I wear
I hate sterotypes.
I am classified as a prep.
My school is large.
My school is medium.
My school is small.
I dislike school.
I'm currently in my PJ's.
I have AOL.
I don't have AIM.
I have MSN.
I have another source of internet.
I've seen all the episodes of Laguna Beach, season 3.
cats are so much better than dogs.
I have over 10 pairs of jeans.
I'm goth, emo, or punk.
I've cut myself on purpose.
I have an odd natural hair color.
I don't dyed my hair a very unusual hair color before.
I think a lot of things are freaky.
My name begins with the letter S. but my nick name starts with the letter E!
I would never smoke/do drugs.
My favorite color is black.
I think people who sterotype are losers with no lives.
I am so out of shape.
I've been called SEXY. *COUGH COUGH* im slim.
I'm asian.
I like collecting things.
When I was little I played with barbies.- YUP and broke their heads too
Now I think barbies are creepy.
I like walking on the beach.
Graveyards are awesome!!
Fire scares me.
I would consider naming a child Alexia.
Guys that are mean to their mom is how they will eventually treat their wife.
I have Tp'd someones house before.
I love sushi.
only two siblings.
I am the oldest child.
I hated this survey.
I liked this survey.
02.i'm very shy.
03. I’m somewhere in between
04. I am unique in every way possible. Nobody can change who I am, I am my own person- i think....
05. I find it difficult not to follow the crowds
06. You have to conform to some things in life
07. My friends say I am crazy
08. I have too many friends to count- LOL who actually counts!
09. I only have a few
010. I mostly prefer my own company
011. I prefer to stay indoors in the warmth than go outside where its cold
012. I prefer to read than to watch TV- MAGS!!!
013. I’m a fairly intelligent person- MAYB =P
014. I’d consider myself as average
015. It would be hard to describe my personality, I’m up and down like a yo yo
[activities & hobbies]
01. I love to go to the movies
03. I love to go clubbing and dance
04. I play at least 1 or more sports
05. I hate all sport
06. I’m addicted to my TV set
07. Music is my life, or at least, its very important to me
08. I love animals and wildlife
09. I like to go on walks and adventures
010. I thoroughly enjoy photography
011. I either like to create art myself, or admire it from a distant
012. I spend a lot of time on myspace or xanga
013. I’m most happy when I’m with my boyfriend/girlfriend
014. I love to cook and am good at it
015. I love to read a great book
016. I hate to drink alcohol
017. I love days out
018. I’m into history - visiting historic cities, museums, art galleries etc
019. Religion is very important to me
020. I like to eat out at restaurants
021. I love to spend time with my family and friends
022. I love to shop
023. I love to go online
01. I use a mine/my moms lappy
02. I have my own in my bedroom
03. I have an ipod
02. I have an mp3 player on my mobile- looks lyk an ipod [NOT]....=]
03. I have a CD walkman
04. I have a stereo system
05. I have surround sound
06. I have my own TV set
07. I have a VCR
08. I have a DVD player
09. I have a mobile phone
010. I own over 100 Cds
011. I own over 20 DVDs
012. I own over 50 DVDs
02. Rock pop
03. Rock
04. Classic Rock
05. R’n’B
06. Rap
07. something nice to hear.
08.Trip Hop- WTF?? TRIP HOP??

♥ manja berabisly because si dia anak yg bungsu in the family. ♥ penyamal. Haiyaa.. Ani mahal ni. Payah di pujuk si buntal ani tapi me suka (= ♥ suka mengatil org ni. Klau tmpat me, mlas th me mlyn. Haha! Just kidding laa~ ♥ pure devil. ♥ cute. I like lau time ya bangang. Haha! XD ♥ smart & imaginary. ♥ name of his geng "boombros" ♥ caring waa.. ♥ all his friends call him hamiz but for me, i spell & pronouns it 'amech' cantek ler~ ♥ my buntal, kerabau, sayang, sweethear, sugar plums & etc. ♥ merajuk? Sometimes lau ada org buat si dia maah la.. ♥ moody? Atu banaaii.. For me, i dont like it when he's too moody. I started to worried waa ♥ jelous sampai salah faham -.-" ♥ si buntal ani na dpt dbwa pjal ni leh anyone, if pajal waa.. Ehem~ mcm2 sha ulahnya. ♥ lau anyone hurst & dstrb me, di crinya org atu smpai dpt then di kerajaknnya tu. ♥ cool laa orgnya. ♥ sensitive. Hee [= ♥ honest brabis. ♥ true bulier mahn. ♥ he always let me down gently when it comes to problems. ♥ suka ckp psal tambi, industan, lingkas.. Na hairan wa. Haha! ♥ advisor to me & friends. ♥ got friends yg bek2 jua laa (x ♥ numby selalu ler~ ♥ baulah, gauk & naughty madly! ♥ never hurts me ('= suka ba me aa.. ♥ sweet guy. Wlaupun usulnya panat atu. Haha! ♥ makes me happy always. ♥ friendly to everyone. ♥ positive thinker. ♥ nda ambong except among anyone he hates. ♥ penyeluru wa si buntal ani. ♥ karit ni si diaaa! Karat dua pun nda buleh. Haha! Faem2 saja beii aa.. ♥ understands my feelings. Sometimes la~ so i have to explain in details lagi. ♥ too passionate. Hee (= ♥ love makan alot. ♥ loves to listen to my advise. Thank you syg ('= ♥ promise always comes true. ♥ hangout with his boombros when it comes to free times. ♥ latings cm bini2. Kalah bini2 laa.. Hehe! Opss! Xp ♥ lau ya frust, haiyaa.. Habis ni ia buat barang2 yg stupid if his stress out, pissed off & been ignored. ♥ suka lagu yg bisai2 la ddgr. ♥ kambang. Atu tantu tu smpai cetanya over laa.. ♥ lau ia badmood, wordsnya mesti aggresive. ♥ he only loves me because i believe him (x ♥ my rawkstar! ♥ suka ngacau anak2 buahnya especially di kcaunya rmbt c bazilah. Haha! ♥ missing me alot tu ya aw. ♥ my most lovable guy in the world. ♥ my hot sexy guy! Haha!
And and lastly, i l♥ve you beii boo! Mwuah! (x
this i wrote in his friendster profileand its damn true!
x] his full name is: muhammad hamiz fathullah bin hj md hamid - i pronouns it amech for his nick name. he was born on the 5th may. His my only one special guy ever! x)
**Below is my NZE'S BESTIE PALS at school!

THIS IS Z : ZELLA. She born on the 7th december. She loves to chit chat with me, laughing together with 'n' and me ofcource, a helper, my friend yang duduk sblah me and she's my gergous-cute bestie/sepupu ever!!!

this is N: niesh. born on the 7th november. love the babes NZE#07 VERY MUCH!! she's good, friendly, panatik, lovable, not kind to her haters but not to us!! hehehe :) pretty and funny!!! X)