haii peeps hvnt been on this for YONKS!! =]
Too many people live in my house
I actually live in a house
I moved around alot when I was younger
I live far away from school
I have my own room
I share my room with someone
I have a front yard
I have a back yard
I have a swimming pool
My house is pretty big
I live in a next to my living room.
I sleep with my door open
When I sleep I sleep hard
I always have something that is sticking out the covers
All my bed sheets match
I sleep with my hair up
I wear pajamas to sleep
I like to sleep with my clothes on... WTF
I have a bed
I sometimes sleep on the floor
My cat sleeps with me in my bed
I sleep walk
I actually live in a house
I moved around alot when I was younger
I live far away from school
I have my own room
I share my room with someone
I have a front yard
I have a back yard
I have a swimming pool
My house is pretty big
I live in a next to my living room.
I sleep with my door open
When I sleep I sleep hard
I always have something that is sticking out the covers
All my bed sheets match
I sleep with my hair up
I wear pajamas to sleep
I like to sleep with my clothes on... WTF
I have a bed
I sometimes sleep on the floor
My cat sleeps with me in my bed
I sleep walk
I have BLACK eyes
I have brown Eyes
I have Blue eyes
I have green eyes
I have natural brown hair
I have natural Black hair
I have natural Red hair
I have natural Blonde hair
I am real short
I am real tall
I am average-SHUT UP =]
My foot ranges between 1- 5
My foot ranges between 6-11- EYAH multi sized shoes!!
I think I have big feet
I like my tiny feet
I have small hands
I have big hands
I am CHUBBY- =]
I am skinny
I am thick
I am fat
I am overweight-EYAH KIDDING, OK??
I think I am ugly
I think I am attractive- I AM THE PRETTIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!! =] EYAH GULLIBLE!!! =p
I think I resemble an animal
I have a weird hair color right now
I have something other than my ears pierceD
I wear all black
In my closet there is a rainbow of colors
I have a lot of bands shirts
I wear alot of pins and buttons
I wear reeboks
I wear Vans
I wear Converses
I hate baby phat- i DONT GET WAT THE ABOVE MEAN
What are you talking about I LOVE baby phat
I am not a fan of baby phat but the cat is cute
All my clothes match
Hollister and fitch = love
Hot topic is awesome!
Pac sun is fricken sweet
I shop at Target or Kmart
I love Plaid or stripes
I love fishnets
I wear a lot of bracelets- KINDA EYAH'S THING !!! =]
I have cool earrings
My cell phone matches my outfits- silver matches with stuff, rite??
I have cute little bows that I put in my hair
I have Legwarmers
Leg warmers ewww
I wear furry boots
I hate furry boots
I have a fur coat
I have a lot of high heel shoes
Stelettos pump in the club!
I wear whatever I think is cute
I wear what and how I feel
None of this describes what I wear
I have brown Eyes
I have Blue eyes
I have green eyes
I have natural brown hair
I have natural Black hair
I have natural Red hair
I have natural Blonde hair
I am real short
I am real tall
I am average-SHUT UP =]
My foot ranges between 1- 5
My foot ranges between 6-11- EYAH multi sized shoes!!
I think I have big feet
I like my tiny feet
I have small hands
I have big hands
I am CHUBBY- =]
I am skinny
I am thick
I am fat
I am overweight-EYAH KIDDING, OK??
I think I am ugly
I think I am attractive- I AM THE PRETTIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!! =] EYAH GULLIBLE!!! =p
I think I resemble an animal
I have a weird hair color right now
I have something other than my ears pierceD
I wear all black
In my closet there is a rainbow of colors
I have a lot of bands shirts
I wear alot of pins and buttons
I wear reeboks
I wear Vans
I wear Converses
I hate baby phat- i DONT GET WAT THE ABOVE MEAN
What are you talking about I LOVE baby phat
I am not a fan of baby phat but the cat is cute
All my clothes match
Hollister and fitch = love
Hot topic is awesome!
Pac sun is fricken sweet
I shop at Target or Kmart
I love Plaid or stripes
I love fishnets
I wear a lot of bracelets- KINDA EYAH'S THING !!! =]
I have cool earrings
My cell phone matches my outfits- silver matches with stuff, rite??
I have cute little bows that I put in my hair
I have Legwarmers
Leg warmers ewww
I wear furry boots
I hate furry boots
I have a fur coat
I have a lot of high heel shoes
Stelettos pump in the club!
I wear whatever I think is cute
I wear what and how I feel
None of this describes what I wear
I don't like the color pink.
I hate sterotypes.
I am classified as a prep.
My school is large.
My school is medium.
My school is small.
I dislike school.
I'm currently in my PJ's.
I have AOL.
I don't have AIM.
I have MSN.
I have another source of internet.
I've seen all the episodes of Laguna Beach, season 3.
cats are so much better than dogs.
I have over 10 pairs of jeans.
I'm goth, emo, or punk.
I've cut myself on purpose.
I have an odd natural hair color.
I don't dyed my hair a very unusual hair color before.
I think a lot of things are freaky.
My name begins with the letter S. but my nick name starts with the letter E!
I would never smoke/do drugs.
My favorite color is black.
I think people who sterotype are losers with no lives.
I am so out of shape.
I've been called SEXY. *COUGH COUGH* im slim.
I'm asian.
I like collecting things.
When I was little I played with barbies.- YUP and broke their heads too
Now I think barbies are creepy.
I like walking on the beach.
Graveyards are awesome!!
Fire scares me.
I would consider naming a child Alexia.
Guys that are mean to their mom is how they will eventually treat their wife.
I have Tp'd someones house before.
I love sushi.
only two siblings.
I am the oldest child.
I hated this survey.
I liked this survey.
I hate sterotypes.
I am classified as a prep.
My school is large.
My school is medium.
My school is small.
I dislike school.
I'm currently in my PJ's.
I have AOL.
I don't have AIM.
I have MSN.
I have another source of internet.
I've seen all the episodes of Laguna Beach, season 3.
cats are so much better than dogs.
I have over 10 pairs of jeans.
I'm goth, emo, or punk.
I've cut myself on purpose.
I have an odd natural hair color.
I don't dyed my hair a very unusual hair color before.
I think a lot of things are freaky.
My name begins with the letter S. but my nick name starts with the letter E!
I would never smoke/do drugs.
My favorite color is black.
I think people who sterotype are losers with no lives.
I am so out of shape.
I've been called SEXY. *COUGH COUGH* im slim.
I'm asian.
I like collecting things.
When I was little I played with barbies.- YUP and broke their heads too
Now I think barbies are creepy.
I like walking on the beach.
Graveyards are awesome!!
Fire scares me.
I would consider naming a child Alexia.
Guys that are mean to their mom is how they will eventually treat their wife.
I have Tp'd someones house before.
I love sushi.
only two siblings.
I am the oldest child.
I hated this survey.
I liked this survey.
01. I am an outgoing, sociable type of person- i dono!!!
02.i'm very shy.
03. I’m somewhere in between
04. I am unique in every way possible. Nobody can change who I am, I am my own person- i think....
05. I find it difficult not to follow the crowds
06. You have to conform to some things in life
07. My friends say I am crazy
08. I have too many friends to count- LOL who actually counts!
09. I only have a few
010. I mostly prefer my own company
011. I prefer to stay indoors in the warmth than go outside where its cold
012. I prefer to read than to watch TV- MAGS!!!
013. I’m a fairly intelligent person- MAYB =P
014. I’d consider myself as average
015. It would be hard to describe my personality, I’m up and down like a yo yo
[activities & hobbies]
01. I love to go to the movies
02.i'm very shy.
03. I’m somewhere in between
04. I am unique in every way possible. Nobody can change who I am, I am my own person- i think....
05. I find it difficult not to follow the crowds
06. You have to conform to some things in life
07. My friends say I am crazy
08. I have too many friends to count- LOL who actually counts!
09. I only have a few
010. I mostly prefer my own company
011. I prefer to stay indoors in the warmth than go outside where its cold
012. I prefer to read than to watch TV- MAGS!!!
013. I’m a fairly intelligent person- MAYB =P
014. I’d consider myself as average
015. It would be hard to describe my personality, I’m up and down like a yo yo
[activities & hobbies]
01. I love to go to the movies
02. I like to stay at home with a movie
03. I love to go clubbing and dance
04. I play at least 1 or more sports
05. I hate all sport
06. I’m addicted to my TV set
07. Music is my life, or at least, its very important to me
08. I love animals and wildlife
09. I like to go on walks and adventures
010. I thoroughly enjoy photography
011. I either like to create art myself, or admire it from a distant
012. I spend a lot of time on myspace or xanga
013. I’m most happy when I’m with my boyfriend/girlfriend
014. I love to cook and am good at it
015. I love to read a great book
016. I hate to drink alcohol
017. I love days out
018. I’m into history - visiting historic cities, museums, art galleries etc
019. Religion is very important to me
020. I like to eat out at restaurants
021. I love to spend time with my family and friends
022. I love to shop
023. I love to go online
03. I love to go clubbing and dance
04. I play at least 1 or more sports
05. I hate all sport
06. I’m addicted to my TV set
07. Music is my life, or at least, its very important to me
08. I love animals and wildlife
09. I like to go on walks and adventures
010. I thoroughly enjoy photography
011. I either like to create art myself, or admire it from a distant
012. I spend a lot of time on myspace or xanga
013. I’m most happy when I’m with my boyfriend/girlfriend
014. I love to cook and am good at it
015. I love to read a great book
016. I hate to drink alcohol
017. I love days out
018. I’m into history - visiting historic cities, museums, art galleries etc
019. Religion is very important to me
020. I like to eat out at restaurants
021. I love to spend time with my family and friends
022. I love to shop
023. I love to go online
01. I use a mine/my moms lappy
02. I have my own in my bedroom
03. I have an ipod
02. I have an mp3 player on my mobile- looks lyk an ipod [NOT]....=]
03. I have a CD walkman
04. I have a stereo system
05. I have surround sound
06. I have my own TV set
07. I have a VCR
08. I have a DVD player
09. I have a mobile phone
010. I own over 100 Cds
011. I own over 20 DVDs
012. I own over 50 DVDs
01. Bubblegum pop [I.e., girl/boy bands etc]
02. Rock pop
03. Rock
04. Classic Rock
05. R’n’B
06. Rap
07. something nice to hear.
08.Trip Hop- WTF?? TRIP HOP??

♥ manja berabisly because si dia anak yg bungsu in the family. ♥ penyamal. Haiyaa.. Ani mahal ni. Payah di pujuk si buntal ani tapi me suka (= ♥ suka mengatil org ni. Klau tmpat me, mlas th me mlyn. Haha! Just kidding laa~ ♥ pure devil. ♥ cute. I like lau time ya bangang. Haha! XD ♥ smart & imaginary. ♥ name of his geng "boombros" ♥ caring waa.. ♥ all his friends call him hamiz but for me, i spell & pronouns it 'amech' cantek ler~ ♥ my buntal, kerabau, sayang, sweethear, sugar plums & etc. ♥ merajuk? Sometimes lau ada org buat si dia maah la.. ♥ moody? Atu banaaii.. For me, i dont like it when he's too moody. I started to worried waa ♥ jelous sampai salah faham -.-" ♥ si buntal ani na dpt dbwa pjal ni leh anyone, if pajal waa.. Ehem~ mcm2 sha ulahnya. ♥ lau anyone hurst & dstrb me, di crinya org atu smpai dpt then di kerajaknnya tu. ♥ cool laa orgnya. ♥ sensitive. Hee [= ♥ honest brabis. ♥ true bulier mahn. ♥ he always let me down gently when it comes to problems. ♥ suka ckp psal tambi, industan, lingkas.. Na hairan wa. Haha! ♥ advisor to me & friends. ♥ got friends yg bek2 jua laa (x ♥ numby selalu ler~ ♥ baulah, gauk & naughty madly! ♥ never hurts me ('= suka ba me aa.. ♥ sweet guy. Wlaupun usulnya panat atu. Haha! ♥ makes me happy always. ♥ friendly to everyone. ♥ positive thinker. ♥ nda ambong except among anyone he hates. ♥ penyeluru wa si buntal ani. ♥ karit ni si diaaa! Karat dua pun nda buleh. Haha! Faem2 saja beii aa.. ♥ understands my feelings. Sometimes la~ so i have to explain in details lagi. ♥ too passionate. Hee (= ♥ love makan alot. ♥ loves to listen to my advise. Thank you syg ('= ♥ promise always comes true. ♥ hangout with his boombros when it comes to free times. ♥ latings cm bini2. Kalah bini2 laa.. Hehe! Opss! Xp ♥ lau ya frust, haiyaa.. Habis ni ia buat barang2 yg stupid if his stress out, pissed off & been ignored. ♥ suka lagu yg bisai2 la ddgr. ♥ kambang. Atu tantu tu smpai cetanya over laa.. ♥ lau ia badmood, wordsnya mesti aggresive. ♥ he only loves me because i believe him (x ♥ my rawkstar! ♥ suka ngacau anak2 buahnya especially di kcaunya rmbt c bazilah. Haha! ♥ missing me alot tu ya aw. ♥ my most lovable guy in the world. ♥ my hot sexy guy! Haha!
And and lastly, i l♥ve you beii boo! Mwuah! (x
this i wrote in his friendster profileand its damn true!
x] his full name is: muhammad hamiz fathullah bin hj md hamid - i pronouns it amech for his nick name. he was born on the 5th may. His my only one special guy ever! x)
**Below is my NZE'S BESTIE PALS at school!

THIS IS Z : ZELLA. She born on the 7th december. She loves to chit chat with me, laughing together with 'n' and me ofcource, a helper, my friend yang duduk sblah me and she's my gergous-cute bestie/sepupu ever!!!

02. Rock pop
03. Rock
04. Classic Rock
05. R’n’B
06. Rap
07. something nice to hear.
08.Trip Hop- WTF?? TRIP HOP??

♥ manja berabisly because si dia anak yg bungsu in the family. ♥ penyamal. Haiyaa.. Ani mahal ni. Payah di pujuk si buntal ani tapi me suka (= ♥ suka mengatil org ni. Klau tmpat me, mlas th me mlyn. Haha! Just kidding laa~ ♥ pure devil. ♥ cute. I like lau time ya bangang. Haha! XD ♥ smart & imaginary. ♥ name of his geng "boombros" ♥ caring waa.. ♥ all his friends call him hamiz but for me, i spell & pronouns it 'amech' cantek ler~ ♥ my buntal, kerabau, sayang, sweethear, sugar plums & etc. ♥ merajuk? Sometimes lau ada org buat si dia maah la.. ♥ moody? Atu banaaii.. For me, i dont like it when he's too moody. I started to worried waa ♥ jelous sampai salah faham -.-" ♥ si buntal ani na dpt dbwa pjal ni leh anyone, if pajal waa.. Ehem~ mcm2 sha ulahnya. ♥ lau anyone hurst & dstrb me, di crinya org atu smpai dpt then di kerajaknnya tu. ♥ cool laa orgnya. ♥ sensitive. Hee [= ♥ honest brabis. ♥ true bulier mahn. ♥ he always let me down gently when it comes to problems. ♥ suka ckp psal tambi, industan, lingkas.. Na hairan wa. Haha! ♥ advisor to me & friends. ♥ got friends yg bek2 jua laa (x ♥ numby selalu ler~ ♥ baulah, gauk & naughty madly! ♥ never hurts me ('= suka ba me aa.. ♥ sweet guy. Wlaupun usulnya panat atu. Haha! ♥ makes me happy always. ♥ friendly to everyone. ♥ positive thinker. ♥ nda ambong except among anyone he hates. ♥ penyeluru wa si buntal ani. ♥ karit ni si diaaa! Karat dua pun nda buleh. Haha! Faem2 saja beii aa.. ♥ understands my feelings. Sometimes la~ so i have to explain in details lagi. ♥ too passionate. Hee (= ♥ love makan alot. ♥ loves to listen to my advise. Thank you syg ('= ♥ promise always comes true. ♥ hangout with his boombros when it comes to free times. ♥ latings cm bini2. Kalah bini2 laa.. Hehe! Opss! Xp ♥ lau ya frust, haiyaa.. Habis ni ia buat barang2 yg stupid if his stress out, pissed off & been ignored. ♥ suka lagu yg bisai2 la ddgr. ♥ kambang. Atu tantu tu smpai cetanya over laa.. ♥ lau ia badmood, wordsnya mesti aggresive. ♥ he only loves me because i believe him (x ♥ my rawkstar! ♥ suka ngacau anak2 buahnya especially di kcaunya rmbt c bazilah. Haha! ♥ missing me alot tu ya aw. ♥ my most lovable guy in the world. ♥ my hot sexy guy! Haha!
And and lastly, i l♥ve you beii boo! Mwuah! (x
this i wrote in his friendster profileand its damn true!
x] his full name is: muhammad hamiz fathullah bin hj md hamid - i pronouns it amech for his nick name. he was born on the 5th may. His my only one special guy ever! x)
**Below is my NZE'S BESTIE PALS at school!

THIS IS Z : ZELLA. She born on the 7th december. She loves to chit chat with me, laughing together with 'n' and me ofcource, a helper, my friend yang duduk sblah me and she's my gergous-cute bestie/sepupu ever!!!

this is N: niesh. born on the 7th november. love the babes NZE#07 VERY MUCH!! she's good, friendly, panatik, lovable, not kind to her haters but not to us!! hehehe :) pretty and funny!!! X)

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